It's true. I've decided to give this another go. There's just too much on my mind about games for me to not have some kind of outlet. The excitement for Mega Man Legends 3, and the disappointment of its cancellation... The hype for the return of Duke Nukem... and more disappointment at the final product. PSN's fiasco where it was out of commission for about a month... A lot has happened while I've been away, not all of it good. That being said, there have been a lot of great games this year and I've had a lot to play, not only from this year, but years past. Now the issue is where to begin and which games to talk about. A few biggies have been:
Pokemon: Black/White-
I started this game excited, and feeling nostalgic. It was all new, but it felt just like old Pokemon. Somewhere in the middle though, my attitude towards it changed, and by the end, it was a chore to finish. Tough to explain what happened there. Just felt slow after a while I suppose.
Deadly Premonition-
Alice: Madness Returns-
It shared the same release date as Duke Nukem Forever. Even before all the terrible reviews started pouring in for Duke, I thought to myself, "I think I'd enjoy this game more." Damn, did I ever make the right choice. I got a fun 3D platformer with a lot of style in the end.
Yeah, I know it's not a game, but it's a point of interest. I decided to jump on the bandwagon early, which is rare for me. I tend to wait until there's a solid library of games for a console before I pick one up. ... Probably should've waited this time around too.
Xbox 360-
When I posted last, I didn't have a 360. I decided to get one exclusively to be able to play with more friends. I don't regret my decision, as it's a much better system for multiplayer. Too bad the end result is playing nothing but fighting games all the time. But hey, I got to play Deadly Premonition because of it.
Mortal Kombat-
It came back with a vengeance. I don't even like UMK3 that much, but without question, after UMK3, the series went downhill FAST. This new installment, MK9, redeems the series and brings it back triumphantly.
There's plenty more to be discussed, I'm just trying to give it another go. Two words don't really do Deadly Premonition justice, so I'll probably come back to that one. I've still got plenty more I need to play. There are a lot of good games on the horizon, and even more that are already out that I just haven't picked up or played yet. I think I'm at least going to try and do a weekly post about what I've been playing. Just trying to get into the spirit again.